Category Archives: Design

Active Video Indexing: Products, Transcripts

  • A platform for users / potential users to directly interact with companies regarding features in products / services (or: new companies) that they’d like to see?
  • TWTR / FB, etc. serve as means to that end; although, I am not sure as to what extent it is common place?
  • Feature I’d like to see: active-indexing of products / people on video-based media. The aforementioned will certainly magnify the value of the platform

Equity Environment Visibility: Themes and Trends for Media / Entertainment

New theme is that of visibility” – logging what I do know and knowing what I don’t know

Media / Entertainment

  • “Access Economy” – preference for experiences over ownership (and subsequent declining savings) (affecting capital allocation policies of younger people)
  • Abolition of Advertising by coercion and rise of advertising by engagement (entertaining ads, targeted ads based of search queries)
  • Evolving distribution frameworks (OTT, On-Demand) based on transition from cable / networks to internet models

Collateralizing On-Demand Logistics

The other day, I thought about the best means to (almost) fully automate a digital transaction. I understood from the beginning that the system would require some mode of 1. collateral that required little or no mediation (eg, escrow). I came to the conclusion that the logistical vehicle could naturally act as that medium. Below is a quick schematic of my thoughts: drawit-diagram-3






Digital Networks

General thoughtswave

3-D surface graphing nine wavelet spectrums at various time series

The optimal means by which to sort and display data plays an important role in recollecting useful information and increasing enthusiasm for a specified task. Herein contributes to the success of Apple: an appealing (and standardized) graphical UI has led to the development of a large following across all age groups.

Often times, we find the best answer for a given problem and are separated from that answer on a temporal basis. When we seek to recall useful information at a later date, we waste time “re-building” the sum of the parts (re-reading relevant articles, looking up relevant terms, articulating an argument, etc). This is the reason for which I keep a web log: to create a “snapshot” of what answer I’ve identified for a given period in time such that if I seek to reference where I was given a question at a specific point in time, I can easily recall where I left off.

I believe that in discovering “truth”, it is necessary to eliminate uncertainty. The truth is often (and hopefully) elusive. A framework for thinking – or understanding the world – through the use of models.

This being said, I have several reasons and needs for organizing / indexing relevant data:

  • To develop systems / structures to identify from where I consume data
  • To identify how I construct my arguments
  • To remember the why (related to why I’m asking specific questions)

At this point, I classify the control modules i use to operate (each point below associated with its corresponding bullet above):

  • Dashboard: information funneling / sorting
  • Blueprints: identifying primary ideas and subclasses of ideas
  • Synthesis: how did I arrive at a philosophy – what worked and what didn’t? Why do these questions matter?


Information Funneling

Basis: Digital and Physical Networks

  • Data from Centralized Networks
  • Data from Decentralized Networks
  • Data from Distributed Networks

Diagram: Digital Networks


Future Plans:

I use lists to quickly access these “bookmarks.” However, I do see the benefit of a graphical UI. For mobile access, I believe lists are sufficient. For desktop, however, I will look to program the above interface utilizing node networks in d3.js.

To observe the evolution of lists over time, I will utilize a “z-axis,” in the form of a slider at the bottom of the page which will enable me to “look back’ through time at the evolution of the database.

Lastly (and more ambitiously), my application will enable me to track the frequency by which I click on each node (or link). This will enable me to identify the nodes within networks which I have strongest links to.