The Future of Media

In an unfortunate and tragic sequence of events, Philando Castille was shot dead by an officer in Minnesota yesterday, July 6, 2016. The shooting yielded immediate attention by social media outlets and the press, as the diseased’s girlfriend recorded and streamed the aftermath on Facebook Live.


Numerous accounts of faulty witness testimony are affected by traumatic events. Recollections of events are impacted by how questions are posed, and numerous biases may impact how a viewer may recollect an event. In the future – in an age where digital capture and distribution becomes increasingly accessible – witness testimony may no longer be subject to human memory, but rather, computer memory. As seen in the Treyvon Marvin case, witness accounts competed for confirmation of whose voice was heard when screaming “Help!” during the incidents that transpired on February 26, 2012 – which raised the question: who was the attacker here, Zimmerman, or Martin? In the future, data capture will be cheaper, as will data distribution, making available more data for objective review in future trials. and incidences.


  • Access to data transfer and distribution technologies: data is becoming cheaper, and as a result, it’s possible to share more information at a faster rate. Innovations include: improved cell phone recording ability, improved data transfer speeds, and improved UI for user generated content communities (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc).
  • Type of data transfer: higher quality images and 360 video will transform how experiences are documented